Lasik Consultations Anoka
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Lasik Consultations Anoka

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All You Need to Know

Do you find wearing contacts or glasses to be a hassle? Are you trying to find a long-term solution to enhance your lifestyle? You might get the answer you’ve been searching for with LASIK surgery. A minimally invasive procedure that gives a quick recovery and clear eyesight for years to come makes it worthwhile to consider. At Art of Optiks, our dedicated team offers thorough LASIK consultations near Anoka, meticulously evaluating your medical history and assessing every aspect of your eyes to ensure the treatment is right for you. Our commitment is to provide personalized care, prioritizing your comfort and achieving the best possible vision. Making an appointment during your comprehensive examination is the first step if you’re considering LASIK surgery but don’t know where to begin.


At Art of Optiks, providing excellent LASIK consultations and ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of your candidacy are top priorities. Our specialists take the time to evaluate every element of your eyes and to understand your unique lifestyle before developing a vision solution. With our wealth of knowledge in the field of eye care, Art of Optiks guarantees to satisfy all of your LASIK requirements in a fun and instructive manner. 

What is LASIK?

Laser in-situ keratomileusis, or LASIK, is a permanent vision repair procedure available to adults over the age of 18. During this operation, your LASIK surgeon will reshape your cornea to increase the efficiency of light concentration on the retina, which is located at the rear of the eye. You will have the opportunity to express interest in LASIK surgery during your thorough eye exam. Subsequently, a LASIK consultation will be conducted by one of our professionals to determine your suitability for the treatment. When it comes to vision correction, the following refractive problems are commonly treated by LASIK: 


  • Nearsightedness or Myopia: Objects that are close to you appear clear, but objects farther away are blurry.
  • Farsightedness or Hyperopia: Objects that are farther away from you appear clear, but objects closer are blurry.
  • Astigmatism: Due to the irregular shape of your eye, most objects are blurry, meaning you struggle to see clearly in almost all situations.


Your surgeon will give you a local anesthetic prior to the LASIK treatment. They will then use a laser to make a small flap in your cornea; this procedure usually takes twenty minutes. The tissue underneath the flap will then be rebuilt using a different laser before it is relocated. Your doctor may prescribe eye drops to keep your eyes moist and prevent irritation and infection in the event that you experience post-surgery dry eyes. As they start the comparatively quick healing process, the majority of patients notice better vision within days. 

Patient Background + History

After carefully reviewing your past medical records, medical history, and a number of other factors, one of our experts will determine whether you are a good candidate for laser surgery. Your medical history has a big impact on your candidacy for LASIK surgery as well as your general health. Giving prospective patients correct information is essential since it enables our professionals to identify any underlying concerns that should be taken into account. The prerequisites include, but are not restricted to:


  • Family History or Current of Systemic or Eye Pathology
  • Allergies to Any Medications
  • Environmental Conditions Impacting Your Vision or Ocular Health


Our specialists thoroughly review your past medical records to determine whether you are a good candidate for LASIK surgery. We strongly encourage you to voice any personal concerns you may have at this crucial time. Accurate information is crucial. Ensuring that decisions are made with serious consideration and sensitivity is our top priority, and we will address any doubts you may have.

Analysis of the Overall Health of Your Eyes

In order to determine your further suitability for the surgery, our specialists will perform a battery of thorough tests during your LASIK appointment. Some of the tests might be brand-new to you, while others might be familiar from prior eye exams. During your consultation, our doctors will make sure you are comfortable, answer any questions you may have, explain the purpose of each test, and go over your results in detail with you. It’s important to comprehend and have faith in the process, and we’re here to help you at every turn.


Ability to Focus

If you wear glasses or contacts on a daily basis, our specialists will probably perform many of the tests you have already undergone. They will carefully assess how well your eyes can concentrate and how clear your vision is. They will evaluate your eyesight from many angles using a variety of manual refraction tests, such as the popular “Pick One or Two” method. Digital analyzers will also evaluate light scattering and vision quality as light enters your eyes, verifying the results of the manual refraction. Our professionals can decide on the best course of action for improving your vision thanks to these comprehensive evaluations. 


Dilated Eye Exam

To check the lens and retinas in the back of your eyes, our doctors will dilate your pupils using a solution. The refraction of your pupils will be measured once they have fully dilated. Our specialists can confirm the preliminary refraction results and acquire more exact measures at this point, guaranteeing a comprehensive evaluation and correct diagnosis. 


Front of Your Eyes

We evaluate your eye tissue at the microscopic level using high-resolution scans. You will research high-definition digital scanners to get precise photos of your eyes’ surface and lens. These scans assess your cornea, tear film, eyelid health, and any early indicators of cataract development. They also offer thorough information regarding the thickness, shape, and curvature of the cornea. 


Inside + Surface of Your Eyes

We will take fine-grained pictures of your retinas or the interior anatomy of your eyes using cutting-edge digital technology. Processing incoming light rays and sending nerve impulses to the brain—both necessary for vision—are handled by the retina. Our specialists can evaluate the condition and functionality of your retina thanks to these images. In addition, they will assess the amount and composition of the tear film to make sure it satisfies the requirements for LASIK surgery. 


Other Eye Measurements

With the use of a powerful microscope, our specialists can comprehensively uncover any potential hidden abnormalities by closely studying the intricate anatomy of your eyes. A vital component of this assessment process includes screening for conditions such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetes, and allergies. Additionally, your eyes’ length, width, and pupil size are measured carefully in order to provide a comprehensive evaluation and customized therapy.

Are You a Candidate?

Our medical staff carefully evaluates your suitability for LASIK surgery during your appointments. Our primary goal is to make sure that each patient understands the rationale behind our recommendations via in-depth instruction. We explore the possible benefits and drawbacks of LASIK surgery through in-depth discussions. When evaluating your candidacy, our doctors carefully consider a number of important factors, such as:


  • Age
  • General Health
  • Eye Health
  • Eye Problems
  • Eye Injury
  • Nursing or Pregnancy
  • Dry Eye Condition
  • Stable Vision
  • Contact Use
  • Corneal Thickness

Locations & Doctors

Locations & Doctors

A group of distinguished medical experts called The Art of Optiks is dedicated to providing each patient with the best possible optical knowledge and care. Our top priorities are giving our patients the finest care possible and thorough information about any optical difficulties they might run into. Every patient receives open and honest communication from our personnel, which helps to guarantee that they are educated and at ease during the entire procedure. Our physicians always work to provide outstanding customer service, which promotes harmony and contentment among our patients.


Art of Optiks currently has two locations offering a variety of services to our incredible patients. Our doctors, Timothy Haupert and Victoria Whitman are located at offices in Wayzata and Edina, Minnesota.

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