LASIK Consultations Wayzata MN - Art of Optiks
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LASIK Consultations Wayzata

Recognize the Difference Right Before Your Eyes

Art of Optiks Wayzata knows how important good vision is for living a healthy and fulfilled life. Our experienced eye doctors can determine if you’re a good candidate for LASIK after discussing your background and vision history. Schedule a consultation during your next comprehensive eye exam to find out more. 

The experienced team at Art of Optiks in Wayzata strives to give every patient the best experience. Our doctors will ensure you understand the benefits of LASIK and get to know your eyes and lifestyle to determine if it’s the best fit for you. Art of Optiks Wayzata has many years in the eyecare industry – we can provide you with the best experience to meet your individual needs with LASIK.  

What is LASIK?

LASIK or laser in-situ keratomileusis is a permanent surgery that individuals over 18 can choose to correct their vision. A LASIK surgeon will reshape the cornea so that light focuses more efficiently on the retina in the back of your eye. Before the procedure, our Wayzata eye doctors will need to decide if you’re a good candidate for the surgery. 

LASIK is commonly used to correct the vision for the following refractive errors:

  • Nearsightedness or Myopia: Objects close to you appear clear, but objects farther away are blurry.
  • Farsightedness or Hyperopia: Objects farther away from you appear clear, but things closer are blurry.
  • Astigmatism: Due to the irregular shape of your eye, most objects are blurry, meaning you struggle to see clearly in almost all situations.

The LASIK procedure only lasts around 20 minutes. The LASIK surgeon will numb your eyes and use a laser to make a thin flap in your cornea, meaning the procedure is painless. Another laser will reshape the tissue under the flap before the flap is replaced. 

Your eyes might feel dry after surgery, which is why we will provide you with prescription eye drops to help keep your eyes moist and prevent infection or inflammation. Most people notice improved vision and fully recover from the procedure within just a few days.

Patient Background + History

After reviewing your patient background, health history, and other vital factors, our Wayzata doctors can decide if you’re a good fit for LASIK. Patients should provide the most accurate information possible so that our doctors can make an informed decision. Underlying conditions could affect your candidacy for LASIK. These underlying conditions include, but are not limited to:

  • Family History or Current of Systemic or Eye Pathology
  • Allergies to Any Medications
  • Environmental Conditions Impacting Your Vision or Ocular Health

Having a clear idea of your health history ensures our Wayzata LASIK doctors can correctly decide your candidacy. Accurate information should be presented at this time. Plus, if you have any questions or concerns, it’s best to bring them up at this point in the process.

Analysis of the Overall Health of Your Eyes

To determine your LASIK candidacy further, the doctors at Art of Optiks Wayzata will complete a series of tests. Some may be familiar if you’ve done a comprehensive eye exam before. Others might be new to you. Have no fear, though – our Wayzata doctors will ensure you feel comfortable and understand the purpose of each test. We always give patients time to ask questions, so they feel completely comfortable. 

Ability to Focus

By analyzing your eye’s ability to focus and any conditions that affect your quality of vision, our Wayzata eye doctors can determine the best solution for correcting your vision. You have likely done some of these tests already as a glasses or contact lens wearer. 

Dilated Eye Exam

The Art of Optiks Wayzata doctors will enlarge your pupils with a solution to see the lens and retinas at the back of your eyes. Refraction measurements will also be taken at this time. 

Front of Your Eyes

Our Wayzata eye doctors will take high-resolution scans of your eyes and the lens. The scans help our doctors evaluate your cornea, tear film on the surface of your eyes, eyelid health, and any signs of early cataract formation. 

Inside + Surface of Your Eyes

Images of your retinas will be taken with a digital device to evaluate your retina’s health and function. The retina processes the light rays that enter your eyes and sends nerve impulses to your brain, enabling you to see images. 

Other Eye Measurements

Utilizing a high-powered microscope, our Wayzata eye doctors can examine the overall structure of your eyes to rule out any underlying issues you may not be aware of already. Our doctors will look for signs of diabetes, allergies, macular degeneration, and glaucoma at this time. 

Are You a Candidate?

Once you schedule a LASIK consultation, the Art of Optiks Wayzata eye doctors will be able to tell you if you’re a good candidate for LASIK surgery. You will also receive adequate information and education about the whole LASIK process so that you aren’t left with any questions. Patients will understand the benefits and risks of surgery before they make a final decision. Listed below are some of the details that our doctors consider when determining your candidacy for LASIK:
  • Age
  • General Health
  • Eye Health
  • Eye Problems
  • Eye Injury
  • Nursing or Pregnancy
  • Dry Eye Condition
  • Stable Vision
  • Contact Use
  • Corneal Thickness

Locations & Doctors

Art of Optiks in Wayzata is happy to employ a team of award-winning doctors who are devoted to giving each patient optimal eye care. We strive to provide our patients with an in-depth education regarding their vision health, catering solutions to each of their needs. Our doctors want every patient to feel informed and comfortable each step of the way. 

Art of Optiks is located in downtown Wayzata along the waterfront of Lake Minnetonka. Parking is available on the street, in the lot on the corner of Superior Boulevard and East Lake Street, and in the new municipal parking ramp located directly behind Art of Optiks on Mill Street. Our doctors Timothy Haupert and Victoria Whitman operate out of both Wayzata and Edina and will be happy to help you with the LASIK surgery process. 

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