LASIK Consultations Minneapolis MN - Art of Optiks
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LASIK Consultations

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All You Need to Know

Are you tired of wearing glasses or contacts? Are you looking for a permanent correction to give you a better quality of life? LASIK surgery may be the perfect solution.

This procedure is minimally invasive and comes with a short recovery time before you’re on your way to a life of lasting, corrected vision. At Art of Optiks, our doctors are available to provide you with a LASIK consultation to review your patient background and history as well as conduct a series of tests to determine whether you’re a valid candidate for LASIK surgery. We want our patients to be comfortable and see clearly in their day-to-day lives in the best way unique to them. If you’ve been thinking about LASIK, but are unsure of where to begin, schedule a LASIK consultation during your comprehensive eye exam to learn everything you need to know.

The Art of Optiks team strives to provide every patient with outstanding LASIK consultations to determine your candidacy further. Our doctors will learn everything about your eyes and get to know you as an individual, so we can determine and suggest the most comfortable vision solution for your unique lifestyle. With our expansive years of service in the eyecare industry, Art of Optiks will provide you with an engaging, descriptive experience to meet all your LASIK needs.

What is LASIK?

LASIK or laser in-situ keratomileusis is a permanent surgery that individuals over the age of 18 can choose to correct their vision. In this process, your LASIK surgeon will reshape your cornea so that light focuses more efficiently on the retina in the back of your eye. After voicing your interest in LASIK surgery during your comprehensive eye exam, our doctors will determine whether you’re a valid candidate for LASIK surgery in a LASIK consultation. LASIK is commonly used to correct the vision for the following refractive errors:


  • Nearsightedness or Myopia: Objects that are close to you appear clear, but objects farther away are blurry.
  • Farsightedness or Hyperopia: Objects that are farther away from you appear clear, but objects closer are blurry.
  • Astigmatism: Due to the irregular shape of your eye, most objects are blurry, meaning you struggle to see clearly in almost all situations.


The LASIK surgery is relatively quick, lasting up to 20 minutes and painless, your LASIK surgeon will numb your eyes and utilize a laser to make a thin flap in your cornea. Another laser will be used to reshape the tissue under the flap, and the flap will then be replaced. After your surgery, your eyes may be dry, and you’ll receive prescription eye drops to prevent infection, inflammation, and keep your eyes moist. The recovery time is very quick, with most patients noticing better vision within a few days.

Patient Background + History

Our doctors will determine your candidacy by reviewing your patient background, health history, and many other factors. Patient health history is an essential component of your LASIK candidacy and overall health. Interested patients must provide accurate information so our doctors are aware of any underlying conditions that should be recorded and accounted for. These underlying conditions include, but are not limited to:


  • Family History or Current of Systemic or Eye Pathology
  • Allergies to Any Medications
  • Environmental Conditions Impacting Your Vision or Ocular Health


Reviewing your patient background and history helps our doctors ensure they’re determining your candidacy for LASIK surgery correctly. During this portion of your appointment, it’s vital that accurate information is provided, and any personal hesitations or concerns are addressed.

Analysis of the Overall Health of Your Eyes

During your LASIK consultation, our doctors will conduct a series of thorough tests to help further determine your candidacy. Since you’ve likely received a comprehensive eye exam in the past, you’ll recognize a few of the tests, but some will be new. Our doctors will be by your side through your entire appointment to make sure you’re comfortable, understand the purpose of each test, answer any questions you may have, and discuss your findings in depth.


Ability to Focus

If you’re already a contacts or glasses wearer, you’ve likely experienced some of the tests our doctors will conduct before. Our doctors will analyze your eye’s ability to focus as well as the conditions that affect your quality of vision. This analysis will help our doctors determine the best way to correct your vision. Your vision will be measured in several different ways with various manual refraction tests such as the well-known “Pick One or Two” test. To further confirm the manual refraction findings, digital analyzers will be used to measure as well. Our doctors will also utilize digital analyzers to measure your quality of vision or how light scatters as it enters your eyes.


Dilated Eye Exam

Our doctors will enlarge your pupils with a solution to see the lens and retinas at the back of your eyes. Refraction measurements will be retaken once your pupils are fully dilated, as this enables our doctors to take more accurate measurements and further confirm the initial refraction findings.


Front of Your Eyes

High-resolution scans will be utilized to help our doctors assess your eye tissue at the micron level. You will be asked to look into a series of high definition digital scanners that capture images of the surface of your eyes and the lens. These scans help our doctors evaluate your cornea, tear film on the surface of your eyes, eyelid health, and any signs of early cataract formation. The high-resolution scans also provide in-depth data about the curvature, shape, and thickness of your cornea.


Inside + Surface of Your Eyes

A digital device will be utilized to take images of your retinas or the structure behind the eyeball. The retina processes the light rays that enter your eyes and sends nerve impulses to your brain, enabling you to see images. With the images our doctors capture, we can evaluate the health and function of your retina. Additionally, our doctors will also be able to assess the tear film composition and volume of your eyes to ensure the film is at a healthy level for LASIK surgery.


Other Eye Measurements

Our doctors utilize a high-powered microscope to examine the overall structure of your eyes to rule out any underlying issues that you may not have been aware of. During this step of the exam, our doctors are looking for signs of conditions such as diabetes, allergies, macular degeneration, and glaucoma. We will also measure the dimensions of your eyes, such as the length, width, and size of your pupils.

Are You a Candidate?

Through our LASIK consultations, our doctors can determine whether you’re a candidate for LASIK surgery. Every patient receiving a LASIK consultation will be educated about why LASIK surgery is right or wrong for you, and the benefits and risks associated with LASIK surgery. Below are a few of the details that our doctors consider when determining your candidacy:
  • Age
  • General Health
  • Eye Health
  • Eye Problems
  • Eye Injury
  • Nursing or Pregnancy
  • Dry Eye Condition
  • Stable Vision
  • Contact Use
  • Corneal Thickness

Locations & Doctors

Art of Optiks has brought together a group of award-winning doctors that are passionate about providing each patient with excellent optical expertise and care. Here at Art of Optiks, our patients are our top priority, and we strive to deliver outstanding service and extensive education when it comes to their optical conditions. Our team creates transparent relationships with every patient, so they’re informed and comfortable every step of the way. With gratification and solidarity, our doctors will provide you with an outstanding optimal customer experience every time.


Art of Optiks currently has two locations offering a variety of services to our incredible patients. Our doctors, Timothy Haupert and Victoria Whitman, are located at offices in Wayzata and Edina, Minnesota.

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