How Should Glasses Fit On Your Face - Art of Optiks
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How Should Glasses Fit On Your Face

Here at Art of Optiks, we pride ourselves on ensuring that our customers have stylish glasses that fit them efficiently. That’s why our eye care team makes sure to take the necessary measurements to adjust to your needs. However, if you have a pair of glasses that you don’t believe fit your face well, there are a few things you can watch out for to determine if they are fitting you correctly.

Fitting Your Glasses: A Walkthrough

eye glasses fit on your face

Believe it or not, how your glasses fit depends on your face shape. Not all faces are the same, especially in shape, expressions, size, and features. Your glasses should be able to fit your eyes, eyebrows, nose, and ears. One of the benefits of selecting glasses based on size, style, and shape is that there is a variety.

How Should Glasses Fit Your Eyes?

The eyes are the essential part of your face when determining how glasses should fit on your face. When it comes to the direction of where your eyes should be, always have the lenses centered so that you can see through them. The lenses shouldn’t be too far up or down from your eyes.

How Should Glasses Fit Eyebrows?

Surprisingly, you have to consider how your glasses correctly fit your eyebrows, ensuring that they’re not loose or ill-fitted. Always make sure that your eyebrows are slightly above your glasses lenses so others can read your reactions and emotions efficiently. Your glasses frames shouldn’t be below or higher up than your eyebrows.

How Should Glasses Fit Your Cheeks?

It may seem strange, but when checking to see how glasses should fit on your face, you should look in the mirror and see how your cheeks look. Your cheeks are another part of your face you should consider when determining how your glasses fit.

Your glasses frames shouldn’t be touching or lifting against your cheeks when worn. Always make sure that your glasses are sitting slightly above your cheekbones to prevent discomfort.

Where Should Glasses Sit on the Nose?

When determining whether or not your glasses fit on your face, also consider where glasses should sit on your nose. The nose grips on your glasses should rest on your nose without the sensation of tightness or compression.

Your glasses should be well balanced on your nose, without having to adjust it if it frequently slips off. Your glasses should also not be so far up or down on your nose because that might cause difficulty looking through lenses.

How Should Glasses Fit on Ears?

Your ears play a pivotal role in ensuring that your glasses fit efficiently on your face. Your glasses’ temples should fit snugly between your head and your ears without tightness or pressure. Always place the bend at the temple by your ears to prevent your glasses from falling off. If your glasses feel loose and don’t stay on your face, they might be ill-fitted.

How Should Glasses Fit on Your Head?

How your glasses should fit on your head is primarily based on comfort and efficiency. If your glasses fit snugly on your head without applying pressure or tightness, then your glasses are well-fitted. If they’re ill-fitted, your glasses’ temples will feel tight against the sides of your head or loose, causing them to fall off your face.

Signs of Improperly Fitting Glasses

If you have experienced your glasses constantly falling off your face, tightness on the side of your head, or other challenging issues, you may have improperly fitting glasses. Here are a few signs that your glasses do not fit your ears and eyebrows or sit on the bridge of your nose as they should.

  • Your glasses keep slipping off your face: One of the signs you might have ill-fitted glasses is if your glasses don’t stay on your face or slip off. This can be due to narrow frames or if the pair is completely loose.
  • Red marks on your nose: As previously mentioned, if your glasses are compressed or tight against your face, they will leave red impressions on your nose. However, if nothing else is bothering you, it could be an issue with your nose grip, which you can get your optician to adjust.
  • Glasses dig behind your ears: If your glasses’ temples leave impressions or dig behind your ears, this is another sign that you have ill-fitted glasses. They should not be tight on your ears or the bridge of your nose.

What Can Happen if Your Glasses Don’t Fit Properly?

If your glasses don’t fit properly, there are several symptoms or issues you may experience. They include headaches, eye strain, and other signs.

  • Frequent headaches: When you have ill-fitted glasses, your eyes might experience eye strain, resulting in frequent headaches. Headaches might also occur if your glasses are tight on the sides or front of your face.
  • Constant eye strain or visual distortion: Ill-fitted glasses can primarily cause eye strain or visual distortion. It might also cause slight visual distortion when worn. Since your eyes are attempting to see through the lenses, it causes their muscles to tire out. It might also cause slight visual distortion when worn.
  • Eyelashes touch your glasses lens: If your glasses lenses touch your lashes, it might be due to them fitting too closely against your face.

What Should Someone Do If Their Glasses Don’t Fit Well?

Sometimes when you have ill-fitting glasses or an incorrect prescription, an eye doctor can fix them easily. However, if they still bother you, we recommend scheduling a comprehensive eye exam for further guidance.

When Should You Schedule an Appointment?

eye glasses fit on your face

Your glasses should be snug enough to stay on your face but not too tight to cause headaches or other symptoms. They might be ill-fitting if you are experiencing discomfort or if they appear loose when worn. If you’re wondering how glasses should fit on your face, that’s an indicator that they potentially do not fit well.

If you are still experiencing issues even if your glasses are the right fit, we advise you to contact Art of Optiks today for more guidance.

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