Dry Eye Doctor Specialist Common Questions - Art of Optiks
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Dry Eye Doctor Specialist Common Questions

Art of Optiks offers a unique approach to diagnosing and treating your dry eye symptoms. Our team of award-winning dry eye doctors not only understands the value behind eye care for every age, but is dedicated to providing effective solutions for all your dry eye issues.

We are devoted to making patients feel comfortable and safe by offering state-of-the-art treatments. Whether you need us to check your dry eye symptoms or want a routine check-up, we offer a variety of helpful services. At Art of Optiks, we have a proven track record of providing the best eye care to our patients. If you were wondering, “Where can I find a dry eye doctor specialist near me?” Art of Optiks is your answer.

As an eye care clinic with doctors familiar with dry eye, we suggest you learn the common signs of dry eye to protect yourself. You deserve eye care you can count on, and we strive to provide every client with that and more.

What Conditions a Dry Eye Specialist Treats

Dry eye is a common eye problem where your tears can no longer adequately lubricate your eyes. It can make your eyes itchy, leading to inflammation and, at times, damage. At Art of Optiks, we treat several dry eye symptoms with the utmost care. The condition can be debilitating, primarily if you do not seek relief.

There are two main types of dry eye: aqueous tear-deficient dry eye and evaporative dry eye. Both types can cause various irritating symptoms and disrupt your daily life as many symptoms can surface that disrupt everyday activities. If you are experiencing the following symptoms, we encourage you to search “dry eye clinic near me” to find a qualified eye care provider:

  • Discomfort
  • Dryness
  • Grittiness
  • Fatigue
  • Watery
  • Blurred vision
  • Discharge
  • Light sensitivity

#1. Why Are My Eyes Dry When I Wake Up?

Dry eyes can be caused due to various reasons such as lack of tear production, poor quality of tears, age, environmental factors, health history, or meibomian gland dysfunction. Meibomian glands located at the edges of eyelids keep the eyes moist by secreting oil that prevents tears from evaporating. In some cases, wearing contact lenses can also affect the eye. Dry eye specialists suggest avoiding wearing contact lenses during sleep. However, some patients suffer from dry eyes early in the morning, which can be due to:

  • Nocturnal lagophthalmos is a condition when the eyelid fails to remain tightly closed while sleeping.
  • The tear glands of the patient fail to produce enough tears, failing to lubricate eyes sufficiently. This can be because tear ducts have been obstructed or malfunctioning.
  • In rare cases, the tear gland may fail to produce good-quality tears. The quality of tears ensures eyes remain lubricated and receive nourishment.

#2. Can Dehydration Cause Dry Eyes?

Yes. Dehydration may be a cause of dry eye and other eye diseases. Due to dehydration, the body sucks water from other body organs, including the brain and eyes. Dehydration causes decreased tear production, leading to blurry vision, irritated eyes, straining of eyes, and other vision problems. Dry eye doctors recommend drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water in a day to stay hydrated.

#3. Are Dry Eyes a Symptom of COVID?

Humans affected by viruses belonging to Coronaviridae do not suffer from dry eyes. However, patients who suffer from COVID-19 infrequently report dry eyes. Dry eyes are a rare and non-specific symptom of COVID-19. However, the reason why COVID-19 leads to dry eye is unknown.

Research shows that Coronavirus causes inflammation which contributes to dry eye. Therefore, when COVID-19 enters the self lining of the eye, it could lead to inflammation of these cells, retarding the ability of these cells to keep the eyes moist. In some cases, the virus may not lead to dry eyes, but wearing a mask all the time or being in front of the computer screen for an extended period may also lead to dry eyes.

#4. Do Cataracts Cause Dry Eyes?

Human eyes naturally have a transparent lens, but when it becomes opaque, the light cannot travel through it, leading to partial or complete blindness. This condition is known as cataract. Chronic health conditions like diabetes can speed up the lens being opaque. Treatment of cataracts involves replacing the opaque lens with an artificial lens, replacing the opaque lens with an artificial lens. Although the development of cataracts does not cause dryness, cataract surgery is known to cause dry eye disease due to tear film instability.

#5. Does Insurance Cover Dry Eye Treatment?

Many people avoid getting treatment to cure their dry eye considering the hefty medical bills that will fall in their hands. It is a common disbelief that the insurance company would not cover their treatment. However, answering questions such as will your insurance cover dry eyes depends on the insurance type and the company. Every individual may have different insurance coverage criteria. Before making any decision, it is essential to ask your insurance company or the agent about the conditions covered under your insurance policy.

Dry Eye Doctor Specialist Check Your Eye

#6. Can Dry Eyes Cause Headaches?

Dry eye generally does not cause headaches, but patients may simultaneously experience dry eye and headaches. Local dry eye doctors may prescribe different treatment options for dry eyes, such as topical eye drops and other oral medications. Certain medications are known to trigger headaches. In severe cases, medications used for treating dry eye may lead to a migraine attack.

#7. Does Dry Eye Cause Blurry Vision?

If left untreated, dry eye diseases can lead to blurry vision, damage to the cornea, abrasion of the surface of the cornea, and in severe cases, it leads to ulceration of cornea or vision loss.

The rise in intraocular pressure can damage the nerve-carrying impulses from the eyes to the brain. Such a condition is known as glaucoma. It has been reported that 45-50% of patients suffering from high intraocular pressure report their eyes feeling dry. Doctors suggest getting a diagnosis for the same, and getting treatment should not be delayed to avoid other issues.

#8. Can Dry Eyes Cause Dizziness?

Generally, dry eye does not lead to dizziness. However, dry eyes that occur due to dehydration can sometimes cause dizziness or headache. Patients who have Sjogren’s syndrome have frequently reported dizziness as their immune system attacks healthy cells producing saliva and tears. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis have higher chances of being affected by Sjogren’s syndrome. Diagnosis and treatment require the assistance of a dry eye specialist.

Medical professionals prescribe saliva and tear-producing stimulators, immunosuppressors, and steroids to keep eyes healthy. Moreover, punctal plugs are implanted in the tear ducts to prevent the draining of tears.

#9. Can Dry Eyes Cause Blindness?

Yes, in severe cases, dry eye may lead to blindness. However, treatment in such cases requires using artificial tears (eye drops) to prevent damage to the cornea. As people age, chronic medical conditions like diabetes can worsen the symptoms of dry eyes.

#10. Can Dry Eyes Cause Floaters?

No. Dry eyes do not cause floaters. Floaters are a condition where a patient sees black or white colors and thread-like structures in their visual field that move with eye movements. Floaters are harmless that may come and go. However, it may lead to irritation, redness, or visual disability.

#11. Can Allergies Cause Dry Eyes?

Yes, allergies can lead to irritation of the surface of the eye, causing red and itchy eyes. In some cases, treatment for allergies may also lead to watery fluid running down from the eyes, redness, or itching of the eye. The following types of allergies are known to affect the eyes:

  • Contact allergic conjunctivitis
  • Vernal keratoconjunctivitis
  • Perennial or seasonal allergic conjunctivitis
  • Giant papillary conjunctivitis
  • Atopic keratoconjunctivitis

Additionally, seasonal changes are one of the leading causes of allergic reactions. The falling of leaves and blooming of new flowers sprays out loads of new pollen grains. These pollen grains behave as allergens and give rise to allergic reactions. These allergic reactions in turn may lead to dry eyes and other dry eye diseases.

If you suffer from dry eyes, make sure you search for “dry eye therapy near me.”

What Do Optometrists Do for Dry Eyes?

If you or your loved one are suffering from dry eye symptoms, we highly suggest you contact our dry eye doctor. An optometrist can examine your eye and determine the cause of the issue. We promise to deliver the best treatments unique to your individual needs. Along with treating your problems, we also educate you on the subject so that you understand.

Our clinics are located in two easily accessible and convenient locations in Wayzata and Edina, Minnesota. When you are experiencing symptoms from dry eye, do not hesitate to contact the experts at Art of Optiks.

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