Lasik Consultations Andover
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Lasik Consultations Andover

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All You Need to Know

Are you ready to eliminate contact lens and glasses irritation for good? Start your journey to the vision of your dreams with LASIK surgery at Art of Optiks.


Our team of experts provides complete LASIK consultations, carefully assessing your eligibility for this revolutionary treatment. LASIK brings minimal downtime and long-lasting outcomes and allows you to see clearly without the limitations of corrective eyewear.


We believe in personalized care, where our trained doctors will thoroughly inspect you during your visit and delve into your medical history. If you are just thinking about it or you have been considering LASIK for a while, our professional team is ready to help you through the procedure, answering any questions or easing any doubts. Make an appointment for your LASIK consultation today, and you will be on the road to clear vision.

What is LASIK?

Most adults over 18 who want to eliminate glasses can consider LASIK a permanent procedure. During this procedure, your surgeon will reshape your cornea so that light will focus correctly on the retina at the back of your eye. In a LASIK consultation, our doctors will evaluate you for LASIK surgery during your comprehensive eye exam after you express your desire to undergo the procedure.


The following common refractive errors can be effectively treated with LASIK surgery:  


  • Nearsightedness or Myopia: Objects that are close to you appear clear, but objects farther away are blurry.
  • Farsightedness or Hyperopia: Objects that are farther away from you appear clear, but objects closer are blurry.
  • Astigmatism: Due to the irregular shape of your eye, most objects are blurry, meaning you struggle to see clearly in almost all situations.


When performing LASIK surgery, your ophthalmologist will first use medication to numb your eyes before carefully creating a small flap in your cornea with a laser. Usually, it takes twenty minutes to complete this easy process. After the tissue beneath the flap is reshaped with a different laser, it is carefully repositioned. It’s common to experience dry eyes after surgery. You’ll be given recommended eye drops to address this, which will hydrate your eyes and lower your risk of inflammation and infection. After initiating the relatively rapid healing process, most patients experience improved vision within a few days. 

Patient Background + History

Our doctors will assess your suitability after analyzing your patient history, health history, and a variety of other variables. Patient health history is an important part of your LASIK candidacy and general wellness. Interested patients must supply precise information so that our doctors are aware of any underlying illnesses that need to be documented and accounted for. The underlying conditions include, but are not limited to:


  • Family History or Current of Systemic or Eye Pathology
  • Allergies to Any Medications
  • Environmental Conditions Impacting Your Vision or Ocular Health


Our physicians can make sure they’re appropriately identifying whether you’re a candidate for LASIK surgery by going over your medical history and background. It’s critical that you offer correct information and address any personal hesitations or worries during this part of your session.

Analysis of the Overall Health of Your Eyes

The eye tests conducted during the LASIK consultation by our doctors are a part of the series of comprehensive tests that will help to establish your candidacy for the treatment. You’re probably well aware of the routine eye exams you’ve been taking, so you’ll recognize a few of the tests, but some of them will be new. Our doctors will accompany you during your entire visit to make sure that you are comfortable, you understand the purpose of every test, you have all your questions answered, and you get the full details of your findings.


Ability to Focus

If you’re a contact or glasses wearer, you’re familiar with some of the tests our doctors will do during the exam. The doctors will assess your eye’s focusing capability and the conditions that affect your vision as well. This analysis will guide our doctors in developing the best strategy to correct your vision. Your vision will be measured in different ways by manual refraction tests such as the famous “Pick One or Two” test. To make the manual refraction results reliable, digital analyzers will also be used to measure. Our doctors will also use digital analyzers to measure your visual acuity or the way light bends as it enters your eyes.


Dilated Eye Exam

In order for our doctors to examine the lens and retinas in the back of your eyes, they will employ a solution to enlarge your pupils. Once your pupils have fully dilated, the refraction measurements will be collected. This allows our specialists to verify the results of the initial refraction and obtain more precise measurements.  


Front of Your Eyes

Our modern diagnostic process uses high-resolution scans to examine eye tissue closely. Advanced digital scanners take detailed pictures, helping us check things like corneal health, tear film, eyelid health, and early signs of cataracts. These scans also show us the shape, structure, and thickness of the cornea so we can plan treatments that fit your needs.


Inside + Surface of Your Eyes

Digital technology allows us to capture incredibly accurate images of your retina and the tiny structures inside your eye. The retina is crucial because it turns light into nerve signals that your brain uses to create clear images. These images help our experts carefully assess the health and function of your retina. Additionally, we’ll thoroughly examine the composition and volume of your tear film, which is important for predicting the success of LASIK surgery.


Other Eye Measurements

In our comprehensive eye exams, our skilled doctors employ advanced microscopy to thoroughly assess your eye health and uncover any underlying issues. We meticulously search for signs of common conditions like diabetes, allergies, macular degeneration, and glaucoma. Additionally, we take precise measurements of your eye dimensions, including length, width, and pupil size, ensuring a thorough evaluation of your eye health.

Are You a Candidate?

During our LASIK consultations, our experienced team conducts personalized assessments to determine if LASIK surgery is the appropriate choice for you. We prioritize ensuring that patients are fully informed about the suitability of LASIK surgery, including its benefits and potential risks. Here are some key factors our doctors evaluate to determine your eligibility:


  • Age
  • General Health
  • Eye Health
  • Eye Problems
  • Eye Injury
  • Nursing or Pregnancy
  • Dry Eye Condition
  • Stable Vision
  • Contact Use
  • Corneal Thickness

Locations & Doctors

At Art of Optiks, our team comprises award-winning doctors dedicated to offering exceptional optical expertise and care to each patient. We prioritize our patients above all else, striving to provide outstanding service and comprehensive education about their optical conditions. Building transparent relationships with every patient is central to our approach, ensuring they feel informed and comfortable throughout their journey with us. With a commitment to satisfaction and support, our doctors consistently deliver an exceptional customer experience.


Art of Optiks currently has two locations offering a variety of services to our incredible patients. Our doctors, Timothy Haupert and Victoria Whitman are located at offices in Wayzata and Edina, Minnesota.

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