Mary Hyland - Art of Optiks
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Mary Hyland

Mary Hyland




What do you love the most about optical?

“There are many aspects of optics that I love. I think what I love the most is the fashion end of it. I love helping people select frames. Especially when the select something that they tell you they never would have thought to try if I hadn’t shown it to them. When someone chooses a frame that is “out of their comfort zone” I think sometimes I am just as excited about their new eyewear as they are. A new and different look.”


How do you spend your ideal Sunday?

“Spending the day with my grandsons Talking, watching movies and most of all playing board games.”


How many pairs of glasses do you own?

“11 pairs of ophthalmic glasses and 3 pairs of sunglasses.”


If you could host a talk show, who would be your first guest?

“Marie Wallen. She is an independent creative knitwear designer and self publisher. She designs the most beautiful patterns to knit. Many of her designs are taken from the Tudors. I think it would be so much fun and so interesting to interview her.”


How long have you worked in the optical world?

“43 years.”


Tell us something that might surprise us about you.

“I love birds. I think they are the most beautiful creatures. Their colorful plumage is amazing. I would love to travel to the Galapagos Islands to see all the unique species of birds that live on the islands. I’m a zoo lover and could spend hours watching the birds.”


Early bird or night owl?

” Early Bird and occasionally night owl. So both.”


If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you do?

“Quit work.”


When you have 30 minutes of free time, how do you spend it?

“Being semi-retired I have some days that I’m fortunate enough to have extra time to read, knit, get a manicure and pedicure. Just being good to myself.”


Who is your favorite frame designer and why?

“It’s hard to pick just one. I like Jacques Marie Mage and Leisure Society. I like the style, the fit, the uniqueness and boldness of the frames.”

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