Lindsay Kolkind - Art of Optiks
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Lindsay Kolkind

Lindsay Kolkind

NCLE and CPOA Certified Technician,
ABO Certified Optician



What do you love the most about optical?

“Optometry is innovative and becoming the forefront of preventative care, it provides meaningful work and builds patient relations.”


How do you spend your ideal Sunday?

“Working in the garden, taking long walks, and relaxing.”


What is your Zodiac sign?



If you could only wear one pair of glasses for the rest of your life, what would they be and why?

“Barton Perreira, classic styles with a perfect fit.”


What is your favorite place you’ve traveled to and why?

“Whitsunday Island. The marine life that lies below the soft white sand is magical.”


Tell us something that might surprise us about you.

“I enjoy listening to true crime podcasts and assembling puzzles.”


Early bird or night owl?

“Early bird.”


If you could have any superpower what would it be?

“The ability to fly.”


When you have 30 minutes of free time, how do you spend it?

“Get outside for a walk.”


Who is your favorite frame designer and why?

“Kirk and Kirk has been around for three generations; creating strong and lightweight frames.”

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