Leah Watkins - Art of Optiks
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Leah Watkins

Leah Watkins




What do you love the most about optical?

“The intermingling of fashion & practicality. Glasses are an everyday accessory for some. Helping someone find a pair they love to wear & one that boosts their confidence is one of my favorite things about this job!”


How do you spend your ideal Sunday?

“Drinking coffee, building on Sims, & petting dogs. When weather allows, a hike is another favorite Sunday activity!”


What is your go-to Starbucks order?

“Warmer weather: Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew, or Iced Americano.
Cooler weather: Americano, or just a classic cup of black coffee.”


If you could only wear one pair of glasses for the rest of your life, what would they be and why?

“Probably something like the Bruno Chaussignand Moody. It has the perfect combination of classic & trendy. I would need something that could easily be an everyday pair, but something more exciting than the everyday shapes and styles we commonly see!”


How long have you worked in the optical world?

“Eyecare for 6 ½ years, last 4 years as an Optician.”


Tell us something that might surprise us about you.

“I know almost 30 digits of pi.”


Early bird or night owl?

“Night owl that wishes they could be an early bird!”


If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?

“Buy a big plot of land to begin my animal sanctuary where I would take in elderly, disabled, & unwanted dogs & cats for them to live out their best life!”


When you have 30 minutes of free time, how do you spend it?

“Play my guitar or ukulele.”


Who is your favorite frame designer and why?

“Jacques Marie Mage. Not only are they beautiful frames, but their stewardship with Yellowstone Forever & Living with Wolves is something I love to see. Conserving our National Parks & the wildlife is something I fully support, so I am happy to see Jacque Marie Mage sharing the same values.”

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