Blythe Baird - Art of Optiks
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Blythe Baird

Blythe Baird




What do you love the most about optical?

“Being able to help people improve the quality of their life by improving the quality of their vision. I also love being able to boost the patient’s self-esteem by finding a pair that looks glorious & flattering on them.”


What was your first job?

“Math/reading tutor for children at an after-school learning center.”


How many pairs of glasses do you own?



If you could only wear one pair of glasses for the rest of your life, what would they be and why?

“Gold oversized cat-eyes; my favorite color and my favorite eyewear shape.”


What is your favorite place you’ve traveled to and why?

“Mumbai, India. The architecture is stunning, and the people there are so enthusiastic and kind.”


Tell us something that might surprise us about you.

“I am a bestselling author and viral spoken word poet. My book “IF MY BODY COULD SPEAK” (Button Poetry 2019) has sold over 20,000 copies worldwide.”


Early bird or night owl?

“Neither! My favorite time of day is the afternoon, especially on sunny autumn days.”


If you could have any superpower what would it be?

“To fly!”


If you could choose anyone, who would you choose as your mentor?

“Demi Lovato. They are an icon. I have always admired them for speaking so openly about mental health and being as transparent about their setbacks as they are about their successes.”


Who is your favorite frame designer and why?

“Gold & Wood. The vibrant colors are eye-catching and chic.”

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