Bailee Mackedanz - Art of Optiks
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Bailee Mackedanz

Bailee Mackedanz




What do you love the most about optical?

“Being able to style people in awesome and beautiful eyewear that helps reflect their personality AND gives them impeccable vision.”


How do you spend your ideal Sunday?

“Sleeping in, getting a cinnamon roll from my favorite joint, a walk around Isles, curling up with a good book and blanket, in bed by 9 PM.”


What is your go-to Starbucks order?

“Venti Strawberry Acai Refresher (with a scoop of blackberries)”


If you could only wear one pair of glasses for the rest of your life, what would they be and why?

“My pink and matte gold Lindberg rectangular aviators- because they stand out and are incredibly comfortable! It also helps that I always get compliments when I wear it.”


If you could host a talk show, who would be your first guest?

“Beyoncé. Obviously.”


What is your favorite place you’ve traveled to and why?

“Paris, France. The people are stunning, the pastries are addicting, and the culture is unmatched.”


Tell us something that might surprise us about you.

“I have a 3½ year old little sister! We are 23 years apart and she’s my favorite person in the world!”


If you could have any superpower what would it be?

“Teleportation. I’d never be late again!”


When you have 30 minutes of free time, how do you spend it?

“Reading on my couch.”


Who is your favorite frame designer and why?

“My favorite frame line is Lindberg! It is a very durable line with a cool European edge and endless customizations made to suit you!”

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