Ocular Disease Management Albertville
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Ocular Disease Management Albertville

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All You Need to Know

As soon as you notice changes in your vision, you should make an appointment for a thorough eye checkup. Millions of people across the world suffer from vision impairments, but early identification enables us to provide you with state-of-the-art therapies and preventive measures to keep your vision pleasant and clear.

Our board-certified doctors at Art of Optiks are committed to giving you the best treatment possible for ocular conditions so you may continue living life to the fullest. We take the time to comprehend your particular requirements and modify treatment programs as necessary. Thanks to our vast experience in eye care, our skilled team is dedicated to going above and beyond your expectations when it comes to treating ocular illnesses.

What is an Ocular Disease?

Any problem or disorder affecting the health of your eyes and eyesight, affecting individuals of all ages, is considered an ocular disease. Even though they are frequently linked to elderly people, younger, healthier people might also be at risk. Our skilled medical professionals at Art of Optiks are experts in identifying and managing a wide range of prevalent eye disorders. In order to allow our doctors to constantly monitor eye health and diagnose ocular disorders early for more effective treatment, we strongly advise getting frequent comprehensive eye examinations or pediatric eye exams. In these tests, we pay attention to:


  • Blepharitis
  • Cataracts
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Glaucoma
  • Dry Eye Syndrome
  • Macular Degeneration
  • Hypertensive Retinopathy
  • Diabetic Retinopathy
  • Retinal Detachments

Ocular Disease Diagnosis and Treatment

Your vision is our top focus at Art of Optiks, and we’re committed to making sure you have the best possible vision so you can fully enjoy life. To make your appointment efficient and enjoyable, our physicians are dedicated to being current with the newest developments in technology and optometry practices. We are aware of how quickly optometric technology is developing and how crucial it is to work with an eye doctor who is committed to keeping up with the most recent advancements in eye care and who has state-of-the-art training.

With the use of cutting-edge technology, our qualified physicians can accurately diagnose and treat a broad variety of visual conditions, such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts, and diabetic retinopathy. When these disorders are identified and diagnosed early on, we can create individualized treatment programs that are specific to your requirements and lead to better long-term results. Since there are now more choices for treating ocular disorders than there were in the past, our doctors can treat patients more proactively, thanks to continual breakthroughs in the area.


Cataract Surgery Co-Management

When the lens of the eye gets foggy, cataracts develop. This prevents clear pictures from reaching the retina and results in varied degrees of impaired vision. While age is a prevalent cause, diabetes, smoking, and extended UV exposure are additional concerns. Age-related changes in the structure of the lens increase the risk of cataract development.

Our experts carefully examine your lens for early indications of cataract development during a thorough eye examination. If found to be impairing your vision, we will recommend that you have cataract surgery with a renowned specialist; Art of Optiks will handle all pre- and post-operative care.

Loss of transparency results from metabolic changes in lens fibers that cause cataracts to worsen. During cataract surgery, an ophthalmologist quickly replaces the clouded natural lens with a synthetic one in a surgical environment. Thanks to this minimally invasive process, you may return to regular activities quickly with enhanced eyesight and less discomfort, thanks to the short recovery period following a local anesthetic.


Diabetic Eye Disease

Diabetics are susceptible to a number of eye conditions, including glaucoma and cataracts. However, diabetic retinopathy—a disorder unique to those with diabetes—is the main diabetic eye ailment. This disease develops when the blood vessels in the retina enlarge or leak. Diabetic retinopathy frequently shows no signs in its early stages, which emphasizes the significance of yearly thorough eye exams for those with diabetes.

Dark spots or blurriness in vision are early indicators of diabetic retinopathy, and they get worse over time as a result of intraocular hemorrhage. The retina’s ability to transmit crisp images to the brain is hampered by this hemorrhage. Diabetic retinopathy is a danger for all types of diabetes. Patients must have constant blood sugar levels to avoid visual loss, especially as the length of their diabetes develops. Two possible treatment options are vitrectomy and laser surgery.


Glaucoma Testing and Treatment

It is much more common than macular degeneration for glaucoma to cause avoidable vision loss and blindness. Despite the misconception held by many that glaucoma is a single illness, it is really a collection of conditions affecting the eyes that harm the optic nerve as a result of elevated intraocular pressure (s). Glaucoma can be managed if detected in its early stages, avoiding blindness and significant visual loss. Patients are recommended to arrange for routine comprehensive eye examinations that include glaucoma screening since early identification and treatment can prevent glaucoma. A range of tests will be conducted by our experts to assess the intraocular pressure and look for early indications of glaucoma in the optic nerve. Today’s glaucoma comes in a wide variety of forms:


  • Primary Open-Angle (POAG)
  • Normal-Tension or Low-Tension
  • Angle-Closure
  • Congenital
  • Secondary
  • Pigmentary


Depending on the kind and stage of your glaucoma, treatment options may include laser therapy, tablets, medicated prescription eye drops, and small surgical procedures. Our doctors are available for help and care with everything glaucoma-related


Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration is a hereditary ocular illness that mostly affects the elderly and is one of the main causes of blindness in the modern world. Your retina’s macular, which is responsible for crisp, center vision, deteriorates with age due to macular degeneration, which can result in blindness or severely reduced vision. Macular degeneration does not currently have a recognized treatment. Nonetheless, there are ways to stop the illness from becoming worse and causing blindness, including treatment choices and prevention measures. It’s critical to speak candidly with our doctors if you’re having central vision impairments since this enables us to identify macular degeneration early on. There are now two main forms of macular degeneration:


  • Dry Macular Degeneration:
    •  Often considered the less aggressive form of this ocular disease, progresses slowly and tends to cause less severe eyesight damage. Detected during a comprehensive eye exam, our doctors emphasize the importance of scheduling these appointments annually to catch any signs early. Treatment for dry macular degeneration often involves high doses of zinc and antioxidants, which have demonstrated effectiveness in slowing vision deterioration. By staying vigilant with regular check-ups and appropriate interventions, we aim to preserve your vision and overall eye health.



  • Wet Macular Degeneration:
    •  The most severe kind of this eye condition, known as wet macular degeneration, may be causing your central vision to abruptly deteriorate and become fuzzy. If this happens, it is advised that you make an emergency appointment with one of our physicians. Macular degeneration is brought on by abnormal blood vessel growth and leaking, which results in the development of scar tissue. Treatment options for this eye condition include laser surgery, intravenous injections of light-sensitive dyes, and medicine for macular degeneration.


Locations & Doctors

Art of Optiks boasts a team of exceptionally skilled doctors who are committed to delivering unparalleled optical expertise and care to every patient. We place a strong emphasis on providing our patients with an exceptional experience and thorough education regarding their optical conditions. Our doctors foster a transparent environment with each patient, ensuring that you are informed and involved throughout every stage of your journey. With a focus on simplicity and ease, Art of Optiks consistently strives to provide you with the optimal customer experience time and time again.

Currently, we have two locations that offer a variety of services to our patients. We have offices located in Wayzata and Edina, Minnesota with doctors Timothy Haupert and Victoria Whitman.

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